X-Project Mobility WoD Week 4: Your RIBS make you squat less!

Want to get better at overhead press, over head squatting and your clean and jerk? Well if you do and haven’t heard of the first rib we are here to help! The first rib sits up a lot higher than you would think on the rib cage and believe it or not it can cause huge issues when going overhead. Impingement in the shoulder doesn’t allow you to achieve full range of motion which is vital for safe and effective overhead positioning.

When the first rib is stuck out of place because of tight surrounding tissue it doesn’t let the head of the humerus to move how it is designed to.  Doing some soft tissue massage work should help immediately to clear up some of these issues.

Lets briefly take a look at how a lacrosse ball and a little self inflicted (minor) discomfort can help with this.

#1-Taking a lacrosse ball and lay on your back placing it where your shoulder meets your scapula. From here you apply as much pressure as you can handle stopping just before you get to your spine. Spend 3-5 minutes working your way back and forth  trying to free up as much space as possible. Stopping on any areas that feel really knotted up. Make sure to breathe through this process and try to let your muscle relax on to the ball

#2- Using a broom handle or a lacrosse ball attached to the end of a pole. You’re going to depress the first rib down and then take your arm through as much range of motion that you currently have. Your goal is to not get to the floor, but to gradually increase how far back you can take your arm. The key is to keep your arm straight and your rib cage down and engaged the whole time. Preform 30-40 repetitions of you moving through range of motion to notice change.

Both of these drills can be done multiple times throughout the day. You will notice the most improvement on any days that we go over head whether it is for overhead press, overhead squat or getting something off the top shelf.

For more details check out our Mobility WoD Week 4 by clicking the link below!!

Mobility WoD Week 4: Why your ribs don’t let you squat!





Founder & Head Coach

My career started as a personal trainer at your typical “big box” gym franchise. Although it was a challenge from day 1, I was ready for it – clients at 5 am, clients at 9 pm; clients who aspired to be collegiate athletes; clients who had never exercised; clients who wanted a “quick fix” and crash diets; clients who were lost; and clients who were stepping into the gym for the first time.

It was a daily challenge working with a “one size fits all” program and platform created by executives focused on profit over people. Everyone is so different, so why is the program the same for each person?

I became continually frustrated – how was anyone supposed to hit their individual goals with a program created for an “average” person. How were my clients ever going to feel encouraged when their progress and success was based on impossible standards? It was wrong, and I was determined to do something better.

There needed to be a genuine collaboration of long-term strategies aligned with our member’s unique goals and lifestyles. Couple that with a safe place where they are heard, seen, and understood. Where programs for exercise, diet, lifestyle changes, conquering health battles, and gaining control are creatively designed, individually prepared, intelligently managed, and continually monitored. It took some time to get it right, but I finally curated a program in a place where each member is individually recognized, yet part of a like-minded community. A place we call The X…and a program that is Proudly Different.

My name is Michael Gaines, and I am the proud founder and head coach of The X. Before you ask…the answer is yes – I hold numerous certifications and have put in years of research that serves as the backbone of every individual program we curate. Our members are my family, and it’s hard to articulate the joy I get watching them triumph over their health, fitness, and diet battles. The results are real, long-term, and rewarding. Stop in and say hello. Tell us how you define success and we’ll help you get there!

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